Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Aimee's Rabies Exemption Law

Aimee's Rabies Exemption Law
Dogs, cats, vaccine damage, rabies medical exemption nationwide

States that Grant Rabies Exemption

As of June 2010, 14 states nationwide grant rabies medical exemptions at the request of a licensed veterinarian. They are Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin

We are extremely grateful for every step toward thoughtful and humane rabies prevention and control laws; however, it's important for pet owners to understand that even in those states which waive rabies vaccine for a pet suffering acute or chronic illness, it is not a "get out of jail free" card.

In most places, local ordinances supersede state guidelines; check with local authorities for exemption rules and forms.
In almost every state, your dog or cat will be treated as though it is not vaccinated in a bite incident. This is true whether it bites someone or is bitten by another animal. This can mean a long, expensive period of isolation that would most likely be the death of a sick or senior pet.
Lastly, remember that the best way to prevent rabies is to limit or avoid your companion's exposure to wildlife.

Permission and limitations vary by state. Click on the links below for details in your state.

Alabama Code Title 3 Section 7A-2
Effective August 1 2009

Colorado Zoonosis Rabies Rules

Connecticut Chapter 435, Section 22-338

1997 Florida Statutes, Chapter 828

Rules governing rabies management

General Laws of Massachusetts / Chapter 140: Section 145B

Source. 1985, 72:1. 1992, 250:3. 1995, 202:4, eff. June 12, 1995. 2007, 79:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2008.

New Jersey Health Department / Animal Welfare

New York State Health Department / Zoonosis / Pet Owners Fact Sheet

333-019-0017 Rabies Vaccination for Animals

Vermont Health Department / Rabies Control Manual / Vaccination

Virginia Legislation Chapter 182 § 3.2-6521
Enacted March 29, 2010

State of Wisconsin Statutes Assembly Bill 527

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