Sunday, October 31, 2010

Vaccine News From Mary Tocco

Vaccine News From Mary Tocco

Vaccine Myth #1 - Vaccines Protect

Precious Health Campaign LLC 10-31-2010

My 2 disc DVD called, "Are Vaccines Safe?" was made to answer the most common questions pertaining to vaccines. It is scientifically documented and referenced.

It is available at

I will be changing to a new email service called

IContact. Please be sure to share with your facebook friends and other social media so that we can reach more families about the toxic childhood vaccines.

Mary Tocco is an International Speaker and has been educating parents for over 16 years on the dangers and health options to vaccines. She is now booking 2011 and her presentation qualifies for continuing education credits. To invite Mary to your next conference or health meeting, please visit her website or call


Dear Friend and Supporter,

The next several newsletters will be dedicated to addressing the misconceptions around vaccines. People choose to vaccinate for many reasons and I want to address those reasons which I believe are based on false and misleading information. This is a global problem and a whole generation of children's lives are at stake. I encourage you to share my FREE

email newsletter with those you know. If we want change in the world, we must become the change we wish to see and share our vision with those we love.

God Bless America,

Mary Tocco

Precious Health Campaign

Vaccine Myth #1

Vaccines Protect and encourage health.

I am always disturbed when I hear the CDC, FDA, Institute of Medicine or the American Academy of Pediatrics making the claim that, "Vaccines have a proven track record of protection against illnesses," and recommend them for every child in America.

Consider our current understanding of the immune system reaction when we inject a vaccine:

The vaccine theory is based on our knowledge of the immune system over eighty years ago. We now know that when we vaccinate, we stimulate the wrong arm of the immune system. The immune system is made of two separate compartments. The Th1 arm is for acute reaction to infectious illnesses and is designed to identify, contain and eliminate through all of the elimination pathways. The Th2 arm is where we developed long-term immunity over time with multiple exposures to normal infectious illnesses. The natural method of exposure is through the mouth, nose, ears and lungs. When we bypass these ports-of-entry by injection, we cause a completely different immune reaction, stimulating the Th2 arm of the immune system. The "vaccine theory" is not valid according the latest scientific understanding of immunity and results in autoimmune illnesses and allergies. The mechanism of injury is very complicated but we are learning more all the time. Here is one possible explanation. By nature, blood has a negative (-) charge and this allows things in the blood to be carried in suspension. When we inject vaccines containing aluminum, which is a positive (+) charge, we change the charge in the blood causing things to stick or clump together. This process was identified in the 1940's as "blood sludging" described by Dr. Karl Landsteiner and Dr. Melvin Kindsley. We also know that the fighting white blood cells, rushing to the site, (immune reaction) clump and result in a Stage 3 immune reaction. This can then lead to microvascular strokes in the end vascular territories (small cappilaries) in all the organs in the body. This explains why the children of this country are suffering with multiple health problems like asthma, food allergies, autism, learning problems, emotional anad mental problems and diabetes.

Most of the doctors who promote vaccines are not aware of this mechanism of injury. They will give 6-13 vaccines in one visit and send the child home with no follow-up. When parents see adverse reactions, they are dismissed as normal or not related to the vaccines. They have no clue how aluminum and other ingredients react in the body. They trust the vaccine manufactures who develop vaccines based on an out-of-date scientifically wrong theory.

American children get up to three (3) times more vaccines than any other country... why are our children so sick? American children take more medications than any other country globally. Our SIDS rates are shameful, our families are falling apart just trying to manage. Our country is suffering because of the "Sickness" model of healthcare.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was implemented in 1991 and only 10% of all vaccine injuries get reported. Since then, they have paid out over 1.2 Billion in damages. The government protects the vaccine manufactures form all liability because they were getting sued due to injuries. If vaccines were safe, this would not be necessary. The government often seals the court records from the unsuspecting public.

Unlike other countries, the U.S. adds more vaccines to the already burdened schedule without any real consideration of how this will affect the babies long-term.

The government refuses to study the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. An Independent study conducted by the University of Pittsburg, Thoughtful House and Dr. Andrew Wakefield comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated infant primates (monkeys) showed that within 3 days after getting the birth Merck Hepatitis B vaccine, the vaccinated monkeys show developmental delays critical to their survival. The unvaccinated developed normal. They released the first of eleven papers comparing the vaccinated and unvaccinated monkeys that they studied for six years.

I encourage you to share these vaccine concerns with your child's pediatrician and demand answers. I also recommend that you get fully informed before allowing your child or yourself to get any vaccines. This is the most important health care decision you will make for your family.

The next Vaccine Newsletter will come to you from another email service called IContact. I will address the lack of vaccine they even work to protect?

Blessings to all,

Mary Tocco

Mary Toccoo is an Independent Vaccine Researcher for over 30 years, public speaker and mother of 5 healthy unvaccinated children.

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