Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Calcium and other supplements to protect against internal radiation Chris Busby

Calcium and other supplements to protect against internal radiation   Chris
 Busby   7thNov 2011

The Fukushima catastrophe has focused interest on the health effects of exposure tointernal radionuclides. The whole of northern Japan has to a greater or lesser extentbeen contaminated with a range of fission-product radionuclides, neutron activationradionuclides and components of the reactors, Plutonium and Uranium isotopes.These are all the same contaminants which were released by the Chernobylcatastrophe and the long term health effects are serious, as shown by theepidemiological research into the Chernobyl-affected territories. These are describedin ECRR2010, Busby et al 2011, Yablokov and Busby 2009 and Yablokov et al 2009.According to ECRR2010, the effects are all due to the enhanced genotoxicity of certain internal radionuclides, in particular, Strontium90, Strontium89, Barium140,Uranium 238, 235 and 234, Plutonium239 and 238 and perhaps Caesium 137 and 134.The reason for the enhanced genotoxicity of these contaminants is that they havesignificant chemical affinity for the DNA, both somatic and germline which evidenceshows is the main target for radiation genotoxicity.It should be noted that the currently used risk model of the ICRP doses not add anyspecial enhancement hazard factors for internal radionuclides and assesses healthoutcomes purely on the basis of absorbed dose, making no allowance for enhancedionisation near the DNA. For this reason, people living in highly contaminated areasof Japan have been told that since their absorbed dose is not much different frombackground, no ill health will be found. This is the same argument employed afterChernobyl, and it is now shown by many hundreds of studies to be false.The purpose of this short note is to suggest that taking certain elementalsupplements, notably Calcium, will have a radioprotective effect and will reduce theeffects of exposure to the main harmful elements contaminating the air, the food, thedairy products and the water.The mechanismThe human body uses various elements for various purposes. Consequently, the localconcentration at the cell level or below of these elements is not uniform. It is aninteresting, curious and well known fact that the body does not employ any elementwith an atomic number greater than Zinc (Z=30) except for Iodine (Z= 53) whichconcentrates in the Thyroid gland and circulates in the blood. Since the absorption of gamma radiation is proportional to the 5thpower of the atomic number, and sincemost of the body is water, with an effective atomic number of Z = 8 (Oxygen) it isimmediately predictable that the Thyroid gland, owing to its Iodine content wouldabsorb huge amounts of radiation compared with other parts of the body. And thethyroid is, of course, the most radiosensitive organ. In order to block access of Radioactive Iodine 131 (and other radioiodines) authorities give out stable (nonradioactive) iodine tablets. In fact, at Fukushima, it now turns out this did not happen.Nevertheless the idea is correct.

The structures and molecular sites in the body which bind specific chemical elementsare not always completely saturated. Therefore vacant sites can be and will beattached to by elements which have access to them; if these elements are the stableelements which are normally bound to the site, the chemical equilibrium laws willensure saturation so long as there is an excess of the particular element. There are anumber of physico-chemical descriptions, adsorption isotherms, equilibriumequations and so forth but the idea is straightforward. For ionic equilibria the laws of mass action apply in dilute solution.If there exist near the active sites radionuclide ions which mimic the natural elementor ion then these will substitute at the site. The site of interest here in this discussion isprimarily the phosphate backbone of the DNA which normally is stabilised bydipositive Calium, Ca++ or Magnesium Mg++.Ions which mimic these but are radioactive are Ca45++, Ba140++, Sr90++ andSr89++, UO2++ (uranyl) and Plutonium complex ions.Therefore, taking supplements of stable calcium will ensure that the active sites at theDNA are filled with stable Calcium and this will inhibit the binding of the otherradioactive materials. This idea is particularly attractive since(a) Calcium tablets are harmless and completely non toxic(b) Calcium tablets are available from health food shops which usually combinethem with magnesium(c) A number of research studies with rodents carried out during the Sr90contamination in the global weapons fallout period showed that Casupplements drove out Strontium90 (see below). Therefore the theoreticalprediction is shown to be broadly right.The presence of Sr-90 in weapons fallout was considered at the time (1959-63) torepresent a serious danger to health, and indeed we now know that these exposureswere the cause of the cancer epidemic which began some twenty years after the tests.Because of the (justified) fears, a number of studies were carried out on the use of stable Calcium and Strontium to block the absorption of Sr-90 and other Calciummimics which were radioactive. I refer to Spencer et al 1967 who showed the methodworked in humans and Palmer et al 1958 and Kawin 1959 who demonstrated that itworked in rats.The dose regimeStudies with rodents show that the main problem is with individuals which have lowCalcium levels. The most important thing is therefore to ensure that the individual’sCalcium levels are not below the natural or normal level. Beyond this, taking greaterdoses of Calcium have a diminishing effect on Strontium 90 build up as measured bythe activity in bone. Therefore it is proposed that for an adult, no more than twotablets containing 800mg Calcium Lactate and 350mg Magnesium oxide are takenonce day, and one tablet is probably sufficient to ensure that there is no deficiency inCalcium ionic strength at the DNA. Calcium is an important component of physiological makeup and the concentrations are regulated by various complexsystems. However, loading up the Calcium at the gut level will generally ensure thatthere is sufficient Calcium present to reduce the effects of radioactive Calcium ionmimics in the body. For children, the doses should be reduced in proportion to the

child’s weight. These substances are non toxic, but one caution is necessary. Some of the preparations sold have Vitamin D added. These should not be given to childrenunder the age of 14 for long periods of time. Finally, following Fukushima it wouldbe prudent to have the brand of calcium supplement tested for the presence of Strontium-90 and uranium. A number of Sr90 and U free Calcium preparations willbe available on the internet soon, but it would be possible to find a company and sendsome tablets for analysis, and then stick to that brand.Other supplementsI would suggest that a daily dose of 2mg of Caesium Carbonate or chloride of somesoluble caesium salt would, on the same basis, reduce the concentration of radiocaesiums. These appear to concentrate in muscle, and their effects on heartmuscle appears to be significant. Bandashevsky has shown that in the Chernobylfallout territories children have suffered arrythmias and heart attacks at Caesiumloadings of 50Bq/kg. Unfortunately, the laws prohibit the sale of such tablets despitethe fact that Caesium is totally non toxic at these levels.Lastly, I would suggest taking daily selenium tablets 100ug (adult dose). Selenium isa sulphur mimic and its substitution for sulphur causes the cell to be fooled (due to theZ^5 photoelectron effect) and increase the rate of DNA repair through reactiveoxygen enzyme potentiation. This has been shown to give a large radioprotectiveeffect in many rodent studies.FinallyMy advice is to evacuate from areas where the external gamma dose rate is greaterthan 0.3uSv/h at 1m above the ground. This will signal the existence of significantcontamination which will represent an inhalation hazard. I have shown this byanalysis of vehicle air filters. The idea of supplements is to make the best of a baddecision or a forced decision to remain. Avoid Dairy produce (milk, cheese). Avoidany shellfish or molluscs from the east coast of Japan. Fish is probably OK, especiallypelagic fish. Measure radioactivity in the food you eat and avoid foods which arecontaminated. Do not believe the authorities in Japan or the spokesmen of theinternational risk agencies (ICRP, IAEA, UNSCEAR, WHO); their advice is wrong.It is possible to measure radioactivity in food with a Geiger counter that can bestopped and started (not all of them allow this). Make up some lead shielding usingroofing lead about 2 inches thick. Put the food in a shallow dish, use a long count timeand compare with an equal weight of water. Anything that gives three timesbackground is suspect.Take control of you lives and look after yourself and your children.No one else will.Good luck and lots of loveChris

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