Friday, December 14, 2012

FDA almost admits it fraudulently approved osteoporosis drugs

FDA almost admits it fraudulently approved osteoporosis drugs
I receive a lot of criticism from conventional medicine because I often refer to the FDA as the "Fraud and Deception Administration." The reason is simple. The FDA bases its decisions on studies, which measure the impact of a synthetic drug on symptoms. The studies conducted by drug companies and accepted by the agency do not look at the real effects of suppressing the symptom, or at problems taking the chemical over time will cause. This was very clear with the very popular bisphosphonate osteoporosis drugs.

When the FDA approved these drugs, the studies looked at their effect on hardening bones. Well, fact is, they do make bones more dense. But how does that translate into effectiveness in preventing fractures over the long haul? You see, once the FDA approves a drug, doctors go willy-nilly in bathing you with the chemical. And they do it indefinitely. The FDA has just hit the popular osteoporosis drugs, like Fosamax, Actonel, and Reclast. In so doing, the agency has almost admitted that it is fraudulent and deceptive. The agency now is warning doctors and patients that after five years, the drugs don't seem to work. Worse, they may predispose anyone who takes them to more fractures. And, much worse, they can have devastating toxicity. This includes destroying your jawbone.
This is one of the extremely rare studies conducted by FDA reviewers that zeroed in on the long-term clinical effects (safety and effectiveness) of a drug class, not just its power to alter a lab result. The results will force the "fraud" agency to alter the recommendations of this class of drugs for users, especially long-term users.
Do you remember the beguiling appeal of actress Sally Fields begging female listeners to go to their doctors to swallow Boniva? How clever of Pharma to get a congenial but medically ignorant actress to promote their toxic compound. But the FDA should force them to take these ads off the TV.
I've begged readers for even more years to avoid this horrible group of drugs. They "work" by poisoning your osteoclasts, cells that remodel and remove old useless bone. Hence, your bones become harder, yes, but more brittle. That's what's led to much of the awful toxicity of these drugs. Your jaw is at risk of permanent necrosis (death) of bone for the poisoning of the cells that remove old useless bone.
Please consider stopping these drugs immediately. Instead, take supplements like those in Ultimate Bone Support. These really will help you build healthy bone and avoid fractures. Yours for better health and medical freedom,

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