7 Strategies for Preventing & Healing Brain Tumors
By Dr. David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS
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The brain is the most important organ in the body. This spongy tissue controls all complex actions including the ability to learn, speak, move, think, and control our emotions. Due to its soft characteristic, when malignant cell growth occurs, it often invades surrounding healthy brain tissue quickly (brain tumors).
Even with advances in technology and medicine, conventional therapeutic strategies generally remain unsuccessful and offer brain cancer patients a dismal outlook. Patients who undergo surgery and radiation treatment have an expected survival rate of only nine months. Only 10% of individuals who undergo chemotherapy for a brain tumor have an extended life expectancy.
The month of May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month and there will be a lot of attention focused on the primary symptoms and medical testing for brain cancer. While some of this advice may be useful, there is very little discussion of nutrition, toxic exposures, and lifestyle factors and their contribution to the development of brain cancer.
Fortunately, the primary tool to preventing brain tumors is within your control… in the lifestyle that you live. Making healthy choices when it comes to diet, exercise, avoiding carcinogens in your environment, and reducing stress can effectively reduce your risk of developing brain tumors.
7 Strategies to Prevent & Heal From Brain Tumors Naturally
Strategy #1 – Sleep
Receiving adequate amounts of shut eye daily is critical to the survival and the health of your brain. A detoxification pathway known as the glymphatic system removes toxic waste that naturally accumulates during the day. This system is particularly active at night and provides the mitochondria in the brain the chance to flush toxins using cerebrospinal fluid.
Sleep deprivation hinders the natural processes of the glymphatic system affecting cognitive function. Especially critical to patients who have undergone chemotherapy, sleep allows cells to repair damage and restore tissue. Sleep deprivation can further increase symptoms associated with a phenomenon known as chemo brain.
Drugs from radiation and chemotherapy have been shown to alter the cognitive function of patients presenting generalized symptoms characterized as brain fog. The effects of chemo brain differ in each patient and vary in duration and severity. This occurrence is likely a consequence of the toxic compounds destroying neural pathways and healthy brain cells.
Strategy #2 – Breathe in Frankincense Essential Oil
Practicing stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can reduce stress. While practicing these techniques, inhaling frankincense oil can help alleviate inflammation in the brain.
One of the major causes of death related to brain tumors is inflammation from swelling in the brain. When frankincense extract was administered to patients before surgery they experienced reduced swelling and fluid accumulation during and after treatment. Patients also exhibited fewer symptoms of brain damage.
Boswellic acid is the main active component found in frankincense traditionally used to treat arthritis, asthma, and other inflammatory problems. Frankincense relieves pain and inflammation by improving blood circulation and inhibiting damage to the hippocampus associated with learning and memory.
Strategy #3 – Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) treatment beginning at a young age can reduce your risk for brain cancer. HBOT can also improve cognitive function in survivors of brain tumors. Studies examining the effects of HBOT find that improved oxygen circulation stimulates the ability for healing neural tissue.
Success with HBOT is directly related to the age of the brain. HBOT can cause progenitor cells to differentiate into new cells. Progenitor cells are similar to stem cells and can result in improving a patient’s cognitive and motor skills. Hyperbaric oxygen chambers may help reverse the damage done by the treatment of cancer drugs by forming new blood vessels, reconstructing nerve damage, and stabilizing blood glucose.
Strategy #4 – Consume Cancer Fighting Phytonutrients
Consuming a diet rich in cancer fighting nutrients is essential to preventing and treating brain tumors. As approved cancer treatments remain controversial due to their devastating and toxic effects on the healthy cells in the body, seeking natural remedies to combat cancer is becoming increasingly popular.
Herbs and vegetables equip the brain with antioxidants to limit cellular damage by scavenging free radicals, reducing brain inflammation, and shutting down brain tumor communication signals. In particular, dark green leafy veggies, turmeric, ginger, oregano, basil, thyme, and green tea all have powerful cancer fighting properties.
Strategy #5 – Ketogenic Diet
Dr. Otto Warburg first theorized in the early 20th century that cancer cells thrive off the energy from altered states of respiration. Glucose is a source of energy for healthy brain cells but cancer cells rely solely on glucose metabolism to survive (glycolysis). Brain tumors, however, cannot metabolize ketones produced by the body during the metabolic state of ketosis like healthy cells can.
Ketones are therefore an excellent energy source for neurons and are produced in the body during conditions of low glucose. Consuming a diet containing an adequate amount of proteins, healthy fats, and low carbohydrates triggers ketone production and can starve off malignant cell growth. A ketogenic diet reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain and shuts down the nutrient supply to tumors.
Strategy #6 – Calorie Restriction
Dietary restriction, including fasting, is a therapeutic approach with similar anti-carcinogenic properties as the ketogenic diet. Calorie restriction reduces inflammation, prevents cancer metastasis, inhibits cancer cells from proliferating, and also produces ketones to fuel neurons.
Strategy #7 – Be Wary of Mobile Devices
The electromagnetic field emitted by cell phones is categorized as a possible human carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Radiofrequency originates from both the device and battery which has been found in one study to impact the survival rate of brain tumor patients.
The “Interphone Study” collaborated amongst researchers internationally found that cell phone use elevates one’s risk of brain tumors and is directly correlated with age and duration of use. Adolescents are most at risk of hazardous exposure because the brain is developing causing a greater likelihood for abnormal cell growth. Use of a cell phone before the age of 20 and continued use for a duration longer than 10 years is directly associated with severe brain cancer diagnosis.
Avoiding the cell phone all together in today’s modern age is nearly impossible, but there are a few strategies which can help reduce your exposure to its radiation:
- Text instead of talk
- Use the speakerphone
- Use a landline phone
- Delay giving your child a cell phone
- Talk only when the reception signal is strong
- Shut off wireless devices when possible and never sleep with a device in the bedroom, and especially near your head
Please share this information with friends and family. It could save someone’s life!
Article Summary
- Your brain is the most important organ in your body and controls all complex actions including the ability to learn, speak, move, think, and control your emotions. When malignant cell growth occurs, it often invades surrounding healthy brain tissue quickly.
- Brain cancer patients who undergo surgery and radiation treatment have an expected survival rate of only nine months. Only 10% of patients who choose chemotherapy for a brain tumor have an extended life expectancy.
- The primary tool to preventing brain tumors is within your control − your lifestyle. Making healthy choices when it comes to diet, exercise, avoiding carcinogens in your environment, and reducing stress can effectively reduce your risk of developing brain tumors.
- Here are 7 Strategies for preventing (and healing from) brain tumors naturally:
- Sleep – Receiving adequate amounts of shut eye daily is critical to the survival and the health of your brain.
- Frankincense Oil – Practicing stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can reduce stress. While practicing these techniques, inhaling frankincense oil can help alleviate inflammation in the brain.
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – Receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) treatment beginning at a young age can reduce your risk for brain cancer. HBOT can also improve cognitive function in survivors of brain tumors.
- Consuming a diet rich in cancer fighting nutrients is essential to preventing and treating brain tumors.
- Ketogenic Diet – A ketogenic diet reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain and shuts down the nutrient supply to tumors.
- Calorie Restriction – Dietary restriction, including fasting, is a therapeutic approach with similar anti-carcinogenic properties as the ketogenic diet.
- Limit Exposure to Mobile Devices – Cell phone use elevates your risk of brain tumors and is directly correlated with age (young people absorb more radiation) and duration of use.
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