Friday, January 2, 2009

Osteoporosis Drugs Cause Dental Disaster: Loose Teeth and Exposed Jaw Bones
Product Reviews fo
Friday, January 02, 2009

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, January 2, 2009
Key concepts: Fosamax, Biphosphonates and Dental health

Want to watch your teeth fall out and have your jaw bone exposed inside your mouth? Just take osteoporosis drugs! That's the conclusion of dentists who are seeing an alarming increase of patients experiencing severe dental problems following their use of prescription osteoporosis drugs called biphosphonates (such as Fosamax).

A new warning about biphosphonates has been published in the Journal of the American Dental Association. It was authored by Dr. Parish Sedghizadeh, an assistant professor of clinical dentistry at the University of Southern California School of Dentistry in Los Angeles. He reports that he's seeing up to four new cases of degraded dental health each week from patients who are taking biphosphonates.

But if osteoporosis drugs are supposed to be GOOD for your bones, how do they destroy your teeth and jaw bone? It's because osteoporosis drugs are a fraud to begin with, in my view. They've already been linked to abnormal bone fractures, heart conditions and a suppression of the ability of bones to heal (

It's no coincidence that the drug is made by Merck, one of the most evil corporations operating on the planet today, in my opinion. It's on par with the criminally-inspired corporations like Monsanto and DuPont which, in my view, continue to commit crimes against humanity on a daily basis.

Healthy bones are easy to achieve with simple, natural remedies: Vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin K, trace minerals like strontium, and regular exercise combined with a more alkaline diet. There is absolutely no medical need for prescription drugs to treat osteoporosis. The condition has simple causes (drinking phosphoric acid in sodas and caffeine in coffee, for example) and simple cures.

But I suppose if you're getting ready to play the role of a zombie in a horror flick, and you need to be missing a few teeth, have your gum line recede and have your jaw bone exposed inside your mouth, biphosphonate drugs can help you achieve that visually shocking result without the need for any special effects at all!

Take your bone drugs, folks, and watch your teeth fall out like a meth head.

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