April 27, 2012
You don't have to die
of a heart attack
of a heart attack
If Pharma had a potion that could reduce your risk of sudden
cardiac death by 38%, would you be interested? Suppose Pharma announced that the
potion was 100% safe and dirt cheap? Might that interest you more? Well, if it
was Pharma's potion, you could be 100% certain they would blast it on the
billboards and on the rooftops. Since you haven't heard such a huge
announcement, you know Pharma can't deliver anything that has so much
But there is a nutrient that can reduce your risk of sudden
cardiac death by 38%. It's simply the mineral magnesium.
I showed you on Wednesday how this nutrient can help diabetics
avoid heart disease. This study further confirms how powerful this nutrient
This was a prospective study on 14,232 people between the ages
of 45 and 64 at the start of the study. During an average of 12 years follow up,
the researchers recorded 264 cases of sudden heart death. After adjusting for
potential confounders, they found a highly significant association. They found
that higher magnesium levels reduced death. And the higher the serum levels, the
more benefit.
Why I Won't Take Most
Natto Supplements on the Market Today.
The Natto supplement you're taking now may be doing
NOTHING for your health!
The authors concluded, "This study suggests that low levels of
serum magnesium may be an important predictor of sudden cardiac death. Further
research into the effectiveness of magnesium supplementation for those
considered to be at high risk for sudden cardiac death is warranted."
The cause of most sudden heart deaths in the U.S. are heart
attack or sudden rhythm problem. A cheap mineral trumps statins in protecting
you from such an event. But it didn't make the news! And it won't as long as Big
Pharma runs the FDA and the media.
I don't take magnesium. Why? My diet is just packed with the
foods that carry it naturally. I recently checked my serum magnesium level and
it was spot on. I don't expect my patients or readers to be as fanatic as I am
about diet. So, please consider getting your serum, or even better, your red
blood cell magnesium levels checked. Aim for the top quartile of the reference
range by diet or supplements. I like XCell Magnesium available online or from
If you have a magnesium deficiency, the deficiency makes it more
difficult to absorb magnesium. I used to recommend magnesium injections to
overcome this problem. But one of my mentors and former NIH researcher Russell
Jaffee, MD showed me another way. A supplement called choline citrate, when you
take it with water and magnesium, can form small particles called micelles
around the magnesium. Your stomach can absorb the micelles fast and without
effort. Dr. Jaffee suggests that you first take magnesium (200 mg as glycinate,
ascorbate, or citrate), followed by one teaspoon of choline citrate in four
ounces of water.
You can find magnesium at any health food store and choline citrate is available online. The latter will quickly and effortlessly usher the needed mineral into your body.
You can find magnesium at any health food store and choline citrate is available online. The latter will quickly and effortlessly usher the needed mineral into your body.
The only risks I know about magnesium are loose stools and the
possibility of accumulating too much if you have advanced renal failure. The
glycinate form and amino acid chelate can help prevent loose stools. You
shouldn't need to take more than 1,000 mg daily.
Yours for better health and medical
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