Wednesday, April 25, 2012

By Charlotte Iserbyt
April 25, 2012
Did you ask your elected officials to vote for LD 1422 (Standards-Based Education), a restructured education system which will change your children's education from academics (upward mobility) to the Soviet lifelong work force training system in which the government schools in partnership with the private corporations will decide at an early age what your child's future occupation will be? This is known in economic circles as a planned economy. History has proved that planned economies do not work. At least for the general population. This system is used in socialist countries (Cuba, for instance, where students are taken to cigar factory for part of the day to do apprentice work). The system is not intended to provide a classical, academic education; on the contrary, its purpose is to produce docile, obedient robotic workers to spin off profits for the corporatist/socialist global economy. 

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