But worse than that is the shield of silence obscuring a humble small town physician who cured polio victims in the late 1940s and early 1950s using mega-dosages of vitamin C. His name was Frederick Robert Klenner, MD. His successful healing with high-dose ascorbic acid vitamin C was ignored even after producing papers on his cures and making a presentation of his findings on polio at the Annual Session of the American Medical Association on June 10, 1949 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The allopathic medical monopoly still refuses to acknowledge mega-dose vitamin treatments today. Both orthomolecular medicine and psychiatry are marginalized, forbidding its practitioners to make claims of healing while forcing them to work obscurely in the shadow of AMA/Big Pharma's monopoly. Polio and other mega dose vitamin C cures hidden in plain sightDr. Klenner was an early pioneering orthomolecular physician who treated many different maladies successfully, including polio, with massive doses of different vitamins. Vitamin C was the major medicine he employed for polio.He had hospital privileges at Reidsville Hospital, where he delivered several babies, dubbed "vitamin C babies" by the staff. Dr. Klenner's wife worked as his only nurse and staff out of a small office in Reidsville, North Carolina. They didn't bill patients if they couldn't pay for treatments immediatley; their patients paid when they could. Motivated by earlier orthomolecular discoveries, Dr. Klenner simply administered injections of high dose ascorbic acid vitamin C to patients with pneumonia. His trial and error method wound up curing all of them within days. Note: No grants, no lab testing, and no cruel animal testing were required. Why? Because vitamin C is not a synthetic toxic. Big Pharma research employs tests and experiments, to the tune of millions of dollars. This "orthodox" system entitles Big Pharma to create patented synthetic toxins that can be monopolized for big bucks with protective policing from the AMA and FDA, including the elimination of any inexpensive competition. Dr. Klenner received his fair share of polio victims during a 1948 epidemic. He cured them all, even one with both legs paralyzed. He asserted: "When proper amounts are used, it will destroy all virus organisms. Don't expect control of a virus with 100 to 400 mg of C." He handled the polio virus easily and inexpensively without adverse side-effects before the Salk polio vaccine was introduced. But Dr. Klenner's colleagues simply ignored him. Dr. Klenner once said, "Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin." This still happens when healing occurs in plain sight. Recently in New Zealand, Alan Smith was cured of double pneumonia and leukemia with mega-dose IV C and a special type of oral C. He had been on life support and was within a day from having the plug pulled until the Smith family forced the hospital to administer mega-dose C. After the hospital stopped administering adequate IV C dosages, Alan's family sneaked in special oral liposome encapsulated C packages, which are even better at getting the C into tissue cells than IV C. Liposome encapsulated C can be ordered online or made at home. After a few short weeks, Alan walked out of the hospital in good health, an example that Dr. Klenner would have no-doubt been proud of. Sources for this article include: http://vactruth.com/2012/04/25/change-names-of-diseases/ http://www.orthomolecular.org http://www.naturalnews.com VIDEO: TV report on Alan Smith saga http://www.tomlevymd.com/video/video.html |
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035696_polio_vitamin_C_history.html#ixzz1tIa6BVNj
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