Gundersen Addresses Free Press Association and Japanese Diet Members
Fairewinds’ chief engineer Arnie Gundersen was hosted by educational, governmental, and citizen groups on a speaking tour in Japan during the end of August and early September 2012. He discussed the Fukushima Daiichi catastrophe, the ongoing problems at the Fukushima Daiichi site, and the non-nuclear options for Japan's energy future. The lectures in Tokyo were given to a scientific Symposium at Tokyo University, to members of Japan’s National Diet, to the Japanese Bar Association, and at the Olympic Center. Arnie also spoke in Niigata and Kyoto. Each venue was packed with concerned Japanese citizens. Most of the presentations were also recorded, uploaded to USTREAM, and shared around the world. Link to Page

Japan at a Crossroads: Two Futures Fairewinds guests on Margaret Harrington's Nuclear Free Future
Fairewinds Energy Education's Maggie and Arnie Gundersen guested on Margaret Harrington's CCTV show and talked about the crucial choices facing Japan now. Behind the scenes pressure is being applied by Tokyo Electric to continue their nuclear program and start up even damaged plants. Meanwhile several hundred thousand citizens are surrounding the Prime Minister's house every Friday and saying no, we do not want this to continue. The people are on one side of the argument and the big corporations on the other. The Japanese clearly want to hear what REALLY happened at the accident and attended Arnie Gundersen's presentation in droves. Thousands also watched on UStream. Arnie updates Margaret on the present situation in Japan and the response of the Japanese people. Watch Now
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