‘Geoengineering’ And ‘New World Order’ Pushed On Sleeping Sheeple
Terms now engrained in popular culture
Steve Watson
Sept 26, 2012
While perusing magazines at the local supermarket I stumbled upon this telling display.

It would be a stretch to suggest that there is a vast conspiracy involving the editors of Top Gear Magazine to sell geoengineering as part of a New World Order by demanding their magazine be placed next to the New Scientist! However, this goes to show that these terms have become perniciously engrained in popular culture.
The New Scientist article can be read online for registered users here http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21528831.700-can-geoengineering-avert-climate-chaos.html?full=true
It once again goes to great lengths to sell wild ideas of blocking out sunlight in order to battle man made global warming.
As ever, the solutions listed include mass spraying the atmosphere with sulpher particles. The article even admits “we are doing this already”.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
OOPS. We really didn’t mean to, but we seem to have broken the planet. Is there anything we can do to make it better?
Climate change is already upon us, melting ice, killing forests and making floods and heatwaves more intense. Meanwhile, global emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to increase, promising far worse to come.
Even if we stopped all emissions tomorrow, temperatures would keep rising for decades, with potentially catastrophic consequences ranging from famines to rapid sea-level rise.
So perhaps it is time to get serious about the audacious idea of geoengineering. The hope is that by deliberately tinkering with our planet’s climate machine, we might be able to fix our gargantuan blunder, or at least avoid some of the most serious consequences, or just buy ourselves a bit more time to cut emissions.
One idea is to whiten marine clouds – specifically the low, flat stratus clouds that cover a large swathe of sky. Ships scattered across the world’s oceans would send plumes of fine salt spray up into the air. By acting as nucleation sites, the salt particles should encourage droplets of water to form in clouds. With more droplets per cubic metre, these clouds would be whiter than normal, and reflect more sunlight. Potentially, this could offset the entire warming from a doubling in CO2.
Cloud-whitening has its upsides, such as not involving any hazardous chemicals. But cloud nucleation is not well understood, so it might not work as well as its proponents suggest, and cooling only the oceans could disrupt local climate. A study published this year found that seeding clouds over the Pacific might alter rainfall patterns in a similar way to the highly disruptive La Niña weather phenomenon, for instance.
The other leading contender is an old one: fill the atmosphere with a haze of fine particles. In fact, we are doing this already. Sulphur dioxide pollution forms fine droplets of sulphuric acid that already reflect an estimated 0.4 watts per square metre. But SO2 from fires and factories doesn’t remain in the atmosphere for long, so its effects are limited. If sulphate gets as high as the stratosphere, however, it can linger for years, so its cooling effect is much greater. The proof comes from volcanic eruptions large enough to inject SO2into the stratosphere. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines cooled the planet by up to 0.5 °C over the following couple of years.
It is not clear whether a different kind of reflector, such as solid metallic particles or tiny, shiny balloons, would be any better. Pumping out a gas is so much simpler and cheaper, so most studies have concentrated on sulphates.
One need only look up at the sky to confirm that our governments, at the behest of think tanks, ‘research’ groups, and radical environmental organisations, are already engaging in these type of programs. Our skies are riddled with artificial clouds, that are patently not merely the contrails of standard air planes.Indeed, as we reported two months ago, an experiment funded by Microsoft founder Bill Gates will see thousands of tonnes of sulphur particles sprayed over New Mexico as part of a geoengineering study, despite the fact that even staunch environmentalists have warned the process could have catastrophic effects on the earth’s eco-system.
This is just one example of a practice that has now been in operation for years, if not decades.
Groups such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meet routinely to discuss ongoing geoengineering programs, specifically the spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere.
Levels of aluminium, barium and strontium in our air, water and soil have exponentially increased, leading many to conclude that these are the after effects of radical geoengineering programs that are already in operation.
Learn more on this important topic by watching the new geoengineering documentary Why In the World Are They Spraying.
You can also purchase the DVD from the Infowars store.
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