Published: September 19th, 2012 at 10:32 am ET
Follow-up to: "Fukushima radioactive plume contaminated entire Northern Hemisphere during a relatively short period of time" -- Map: Fukushima air mass hit California after 3/11 and went north to Ore., Wash., Canada (PHOTO)
Title: Impact to US West Coast from Fukushima disaster likely larger than anticipated, several reports indicateSource: Bellona
Author: Charles Digges
Date: Sept 19, 2012
Bellona’s article ties in several past reports related to the Fukushima disaster:[...]Note the red line heads east to California then travels up the U.S. West Coast upon making landfall (Image Source: Science of the Total Environment)
The new scientific paper, which will be published in November 1 edition of the journal Science of the Total Environment says that its research “clearly demonstrates how little dissipation [of radionuclides] occurred [between March 12 and 16] due to the nature of the rapid global air circulation system.”
The massive release of anthropogenic – or non-naturally occurring radionuclides such as cesium 137 and cesium 134 – by the meltdowns and explosions that rocked Fukushima Daiichi occurred in the five days following the beginning of the accident, the report says.
The report goes on to say that “the Fukushima radioactive plume contaminated the entire Northern Hemisphere during a relatively short period of time” after [3/11]
- Statement by Arnie Gundersen: “During April, the people in Seattle could have just as easily been in Tokyo for the amount of hot particles that were there”
- Sickened Alaskan wildlife
- Recent aerial radiation surveys on West Coast via helicopter
- Food safety limits raised in US, Europe after 3/11
Published: September 19th, 2012 at 10:32 am ET
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In March 2011 —>
IODINE-131 —>
** Washington = 1,090 pCi/L
** Colorado = 464 pCi/L
** California = 185 pCi/L
So, you see that more Iodine-131 was found in Colorado than in California
CESIUM-134 —>
Alaska = 55 pCi/L
Colorado = 14 pCi/L
South Dakota = 10 pCi/L
California = 7.3 pC/L
So you see that South Dakota & Colorado are higher than California
CESIUM-137 —>
California = 39 pCi/L
Alaska = 26 pCi/L
Colorado = 22 pCi/L
South Dakota = 20 pCi/L
Illinois = 15 pCi/L
Washington = 5 pCi/L
California tested the highest in Cesium-137, but Colorado, South Dakota & Illinois tested higher than Washington State
Just an observation.
pages 17 & 18
P.S. >> and someday I believe it will be proven that Florida was one of the hot spots
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Hope no one minds me posting the analysis again here:
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re: Florida: I think you are correct. The weather pattern on the days of the plume's arrival did seem to carry everything toward florida and then hover over it for a while.
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