6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition
Post date:
Wednesday, May 23rd 2012 at
11:00 am by Sayer Ji .jpg)
In times of illness, however, regenerative processes are overcome by degenerative ones. This is where medicine may perform its most noble feat, nudging the body back into balance with foods, herbs, nutrients, healing energies, i.e. healing intention. Today, however, drug-based medicine invariably uses chemicals that have not one iota of regenerative potential; to the contrary, they almost always interfere with bodily self-renewal in order to suppress the symptoms against which they are applied.
Despite the outright heretical nature of things which stimulate healing and regeneration vis-à-vis the conventional medical system which frowns upon, or is incredulous towards, spontaneous remission in favor of symptom suppression and disease management, over the course of the past few years of trolling MEDLINE we have collected a series of remarkable studies on the topic...

- Curcumin
- Lion’s Mane Mushroom
- Apigenin (compound in vegetables like celery)
- Blueberry
- Ginseng
- Huperzine
- Natto
- Red Sage
- Resveratrol
- Royal Jelly
- Theanine
- Ashwaganda
- Coffee (trigonelline)
[View the first-hand biomedical citations on these neuritogenic substance visit our Neuritogenic Research page on the topic]
Liver Regeneration – Glycyrrhizin, a compound found within licorice, and which we recently featured as a powerful anti-SARS virus agent, has also been found to stimulate the regeneration of liver mass and function in the animal model of hepatectomy. Other liver regenerative substances include:
- Carvacrol (a volatile compound in oregano)
- Curcumin
- Korean Ginseng
- Rooibos
- Vitamin E
Beta-Cell Regeneration – Unfortunately, the medical community has yet to harness the diabetes-reversing potential of natural compounds. Whereas expensive stem cell therapies, islet cell transplants, and an array of synthetic drugs in the developmental pipeline are the focus of billions of dollars of research, annually, our kitchen cupboards and backyards may already contain the long sought-after cure for type 1 diabetes. The following compounds have been demonstrated experimentally to regenerate the insulin-producing beta cells, which are destroyed in insulin dependent diabetes, and which once restored, may (at least in theory) restore the health of the patient to the point where they no longer require insulin replacement.
- Gymenna Sylvestre ("the sugar destroyer")
- Nigella Sativa ("black cumin")
- Vitamin D
- Curcumin (from the spice Turmeric)
- Arginine
- Avocado
- Berberine (found in bitter herbs such as Goldenseal and Barberry)
- Bitter Melon
- Chard (yes, the green leafy vegetables)
- Corn Silk
- Stevia
- Sulforaphane (especially concentrated in broccoli sprouts)
Hormone Regeneration – there are secretagogues, which increase the endocrine glands' ability to secrete more hormone, and there are substances that truly regenerate hormones which have degraded (by emitting electrons) into potentially carcinogenic "transient hormone" metabolites. One of these substances is vitamin C. A powerful electron donor, this vitamin has the ability to contribute electrons to resurrect the form and function of estradiol (estrogen; E2), progesterone, testosterone, for instance. [2] In tandem with foods that are able to support the function of glands, such as the ovaries, vitamin C may represent an excellent complement or alternative to hormone replacement therapy.
Cardiac Cell Regeneration – Not too long ago, it was believed that cardiac tissue was uniquely incapable of being regenerated. A new, but rapidly growing body of experimental research now indicates that this is simply not true, and there is a class of heart-tissue regenerating compounds known as neocardiogenic substances. Neocardiogenic substances are able to stimulate the formation of cardiac progenitor cells which can differentiate into healthy heart tissue, and they include the following:
- Resveratrol
- Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero)
- Red Wine Extract
- Geum Japonicum
- N-acetyl-cysteine
Cartilage/Joint/Spine Regeneration – Curcumin and resveratrol have been shown to improve recovery from spinal cord injury. Over a dozen other natural compounds hold promise in this area, which can be viewed on our Spinal Cord Injury page. As far as degenerative joint disease, i.e. osteoarthritis, there are a broad range of potentially regenerative substances, with 50 listed on our osteoarthritis research page.
Ultimately, regenerative medicine threatens to undermine the very economic infrastructure that props up the modern, drug-based and quite candidly degenerative medical system. Symptom suppression is profitable because it guarantees both the perpetuation of the original underlying disease, and the generation of an ever-expanding array of additional, treatment-induced symptoms.
This is the non-sustainable, infinite growth model which shares features characteristic of the process of cancer itself - a model, which by its very nature, is doomed to fail and eventually collapse. Cultivating diets, lifestyles and attitudes conducive to bodily regeneration can interrupt this pathological circuit, and help us to attain the bodily freedom that is a precondition for the liberation of the human soul and spirit, as well.
[1] NT-020, a natural therapeutic
approach to optimize spatial memory performance and increase neural
progenitor cell proliferation and decrease inflammation in the aged rat.
Rejuvenation Res. 2010 Jun 29. Epub 2010 Jun 29. PMID: 20586644
[2] Photo-induced regeneration
of hormones by electron transfer processes: Potential biological and medical
consequences. Radiat Phys Chem Oxf Engl 1993. Updated 2011 Aug ;80(8):890-894.
PMID: 21814301
Sayer Ji is the founder and chair of GreenMedInfo.com. His writings have been
published in the Wellbeing Journal, the Journal of Gluten Sensitivity, and have
been featured on numerous websites, including Mercola.com, NaturalNews.com,
Infowars.com, Care2.com. His critically acclaimed essay series The Dark Side of
Wheat opens up a new perspective on the universal, human-species
specific toxicity of wheat, and
is now available for PDF download.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to
provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not
necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.
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