May 16, 2012
Why grieving is now a disease
The American Psychiatric Association plans to create a disease
out of every human emotion. The next disease created "by consensus" will be
grief. The organization is proposing to classify it in its new DSM-5 manual,
which is due out next year. Why would they want to classify all the emotions as
a disease? As they say, follow the money. If it's a disease, they can find a
drug for it. In this case, it would be antidepressants.
Amazingly, The Lancet, a highly respected medical
journal has come out in opposition to the reclassification of this basic human
emotion. Seems there is a dispute as to how long "normal" grief should last when
a loved one dies (a perfectly natural occurrence).
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I can't help but laugh at the horrific and moronic
classification of normal behavior and emotion as disease. Grief is a near
universal emotion among social animals. Birds grieve over the loss of a mate.
People have seen elephants handling the remains of other deceased elephants. A
dog will grieve over loss of his master. Golly gee. Let's petrochemicalize the
animal world for this newly discovered/voted "disease" state. The shrinks have
to create some legitimacy for their otherwise worthless and "nutty"
chemical-pushing profession.
I have a better idea. Support yourself with good nutrition, exercise, and a positive social network. Seek a spiritual approach to dealing with grief. But you can use some alternative treatments to help you cope with the grief.
I have a better idea. Support yourself with good nutrition, exercise, and a positive social network. Seek a spiritual approach to dealing with grief. But you can use some alternative treatments to help you cope with the grief.
An outstanding and readily available homeopathic remedy for
grief is ignacia. It carries no risk and you can buy it at many health food
If you need neurotransmitter support, instead of Pharma
chemicals, consider the amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine.
These are nutritional precursor molecules. They are mood-stabilizing chemicals
in your brain. You should rarely, if ever, consider a petrochemical for grief,
one of the most basic of human emotions. And when thought of properly, grief is
very healing. Obviously, the APA isn't thinking properly.
On Friday, I'll show you another "disease" emotion they have
drugs for. Of course, there are better ways to treat this emotion as well.
Yours for better health and medical

Robert J. Rowen, MD
Ref: ABC News 2-16-12.
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