May 25, 2012
The pill that makes
cancer more dangerous
cancer more dangerous
As you may know, I've warned my patients and readers to stay
away from cancer drugs (except in certain cases). In addition to the harm they
cause, they don't cure cancer. They may shrink the tumor, killing the cancer
cells. But they don't fix what caused the cancer in the first place. So the
tumor usually comes roaring back.
Now there's evidence that shrinking the tumor with drugs might
cost you your life. But before I tell you about this study, let me tell you
about one of my patients. This patient had advanced kidney disease. I gave him
natural therapies and he felt much better. However, they didn't stop his tumor
from growing. So his oncologist convinced him to take Sunitinib, also known as
Vitamin E's Superstar Cousin:
✓ Lowers Total Cholesterol…
✓ Lowers "Bad" LDL...…
✓ Raises "Good" HDL...…
✓ Lowers Triglycerides...…
✓ And Actually Raises CoQ10...…
What is this powerhouse heart health nutrient?
When Sutent didn't work, the oncologist blamed my therapies. So
the man took a holiday from my treatments for a month just to give the Sutent a
chance. He promised to return if Sutent didn't work. Well, it did shrink his
tumor. However, he went downhill so fast that he was unable to return to me.
What happened? Well, this new study tells us what happened. This
line of drugs can shrink tumors. But in the process, they also damage a
particular cell called a pericyte. These cells cover blood vessels and act as
gatekeepers against the spread of the tumor cells. When damaged in the chemical
attempt to knock out tumor blood supply, the tumor vessels become even more
hypoxic (less oxygen), and allow the cancer cells to leak into the circulation.
Knocking out pericytes shrank tumors in mice by 30% in 25 days. Sounds great!
But it wasn't. It actually increased the spread of the cancer by three-fold. But
that's not all. The drug also made cancer cells more like stem cells and better
able to survive.
The entire cancer industry is a sham, literally. It's a complete
fraud. It's a fraud that has the medical world, the government, insurance
companies, and unsuspecting people at its behest. But the FDA allows Pharma to
measure the effectiveness of a drug by tumor shrinkage. This study shows how
awfully stupid that is! It shows that the drugs will shrink tumors in the short
run, but become far more aggressive and deadly in return. While the researchers
did this first experiment in mice, they confirmed the same action in human
breast tumors. The less pericytes you have, the more deeply invasive the cancers
become. And the five to ten year survival rates are less than 20%.
I am convinced that most cancer patients who do well with
conventional therapy were destined to do well regardless. We know that 20% of
all cancers spontaneously disappear. So if you sometimes hear of a woman or man
who had her breast or prostate carved out 20 years ago, does that mean you
should rush to the knife or chemicals? No. In my book, they are in that 20%
no-matter-what-you-do remission rate. I think we'd even see better remission
rates if we eliminated toxic therapies altogether (certain cancer-types
excepted). I know of few oncologists who would drink their own poisons.
One final note: This is even more proof that oxygen is king.
When you starve cancer cells of oxygen, they'll respond with even more
aggressiveness. I've participated in two cases recently where
oxygen/oxidation-based therapies have helped achieve remission or near remission
of stage-4 cancers (colon cancer and melanoma). No, not everyone has been
helped. But these kind, gentle therapies won't do anything worse than make you
feel better, even if it doesn't tame the cancer.
If you have cancer, don't feel like you have
to submit to the cut, burn, and poison treatments your oncologist offers. There
are other options.
Yours for better health and medical

Robert J. Rowen, MD
Ref: Cancer Cell 1-17-12
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