Plume-gate: Secret documents prove global cover-up of continued Fukushima
radiation pollution
Saturday, May 12, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff

A Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) request filed by Friends of the Earth (FoE),
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), and the Nuclear Information and
Resource Center (NIRS) has unearthed a shocking series of new evidence proving a
deliberate, global cover-up of the true severity of the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear disaster. And the unfortunate reality is that the mainstream media
continues to blatantly ignore this colossal scandal.
Private emails,
meeting transcripts and other key documents reveal that both the Obama White
House and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) were well aware
of just how bad things really were with Fukushima from the early days of the
disaster, but did nothing to warn the public about it. In fact, NRC and the
White House purposely did not warn Americans about a massive radiation
plume that struck the West Coast just days after the massive earthquake and
tsunami hit Japan's eastern coast.
According to information gathered from
hundreds of pages worth of private NRC emails, conference calls and secret
meetings, key players in the Fukushima whitewashing campaign, including the
NRC's David McIntyre and Elliot Brenner, were hard at work in the days following
the disaster distracting public attention away from it. By pretending that a
radioactive plume did not exist while simultaneously sending out misinformation
to the media, these two, in conjunction with White House officials, actively
participated in a criminal cover-up of the truth.
You can read key
portions of these criminal dealings at the following link:
Plume-gate, the world's biggest nuclear cover-up to date
A situation
that is now being dubbed "Plume-gate," this massive cover-up of critical
information about Fukushima could have saved thousands of lives, including the
more than 14,000 individuals, many of whom were babies, that died in the weeks
following the disaster (
And yet to this very day, the federal government's cozy relationship with the
nuclear industry has allowed the injustice to continue, as no proper
investigation into this dastardly crime has yet taken place.
executive branch and multiple federal agencies, agencies tasked with keeping the
American public safe, did their best to hide and to cover-up information about a
deadly radioactive plume and ensuing fallout that was headed for the West Coast
of the United States from Japan," writes Tony Muga from The Intel Hub about the
Not only did these government agencies hide the truth and
deliberately deceive the public, they also used other events, including the
infamous Qur'an burning in Afghanistan, as a distraction to divert public
attention away from Fukushima, and away from the 104 nuclear reactors in the
U.S. that are of a similar age and vulnerability as Fukushima.
So why is
the federal government getting away with all this? It is for the same reason
that it gets away with most of its other crimes against humanity: corporate
fascism. And sadly, corporate fascism is a bipartisan problem, as both
Republicans and Democrats today are slaves to it, representing opposite but
identical sides of the same coin.
"It seems that the fundamental problem
with what Americans are experiencing is not just radioactive fallout but
Fascism, the merging of the corporate and the state," adds Muga. "In a fascist
state, there is little or no responsible action from the corporations for there
is little or no promotion of accountability from the state. The corporations,
for all intents and purposes, control the state."
Be sure check out the
exposed documents for yourself linked at the bottom of the following
And read the activist website
for this article include:
Private emails, meeting transcripts and other key documents reveal that both the Obama White House and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) were well aware of just how bad things really were with Fukushima from the early days of the disaster, but did nothing to warn the public about it. In fact, NRC and the White House purposely did not warn Americans about a massive radiation plume that struck the West Coast just days after the massive earthquake and tsunami hit Japan's eastern coast. According to information gathered from hundreds of pages worth of private NRC emails, conference calls and secret meetings, key players in the Fukushima whitewashing campaign, including the NRC's David McIntyre and Elliot Brenner, were hard at work in the days following the disaster distracting public attention away from it. By pretending that a radioactive plume did not exist while simultaneously sending out misinformation to the media, these two, in conjunction with White House officials, actively participated in a criminal cover-up of the truth. You can read key portions of these criminal dealings at the following link: Plume-gate, the world's biggest nuclear cover-up to dateA situation that is now being dubbed "Plume-gate," this massive cover-up of critical information about Fukushima could have saved thousands of lives, including the more than 14,000 individuals, many of whom were babies, that died in the weeks following the disaster ( And yet to this very day, the federal government's cozy relationship with the nuclear industry has allowed the injustice to continue, as no proper investigation into this dastardly crime has yet taken place."The executive branch and multiple federal agencies, agencies tasked with keeping the American public safe, did their best to hide and to cover-up information about a deadly radioactive plume and ensuing fallout that was headed for the West Coast of the United States from Japan," writes Tony Muga from The Intel Hub about the situation. Not only did these government agencies hide the truth and deliberately deceive the public, they also used other events, including the infamous Qur'an burning in Afghanistan, as a distraction to divert public attention away from Fukushima, and away from the 104 nuclear reactors in the U.S. that are of a similar age and vulnerability as Fukushima. So why is the federal government getting away with all this? It is for the same reason that it gets away with most of its other crimes against humanity: corporate fascism. And sadly, corporate fascism is a bipartisan problem, as both Republicans and Democrats today are slaves to it, representing opposite but identical sides of the same coin. "It seems that the fundamental problem with what Americans are experiencing is not just radioactive fallout but Fascism, the merging of the corporate and the state," adds Muga. "In a fascist state, there is little or no responsible action from the corporations for there is little or no promotion of accountability from the state. The corporations, for all intents and purposes, control the state." Be sure check out the exposed documents for yourself linked at the bottom of the following article: And read the activist website Sources for this article include: |
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