Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Overpopulation is a Myth

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Overpopulation is a MythOverpopulation is a Myth

Please never fall for the NWO argument of Overpopulation ,it saddens me seeing intelligent people who easily fall for this argument , There is no Overpopulation , there is enough space and resource for every and each one that is born , it is said that Texas alone can feed all the humans walking on earth today an that few square kilometers of inhabited Sahara desert can produce all the energy needed for all the planet just from solar powers ( and with today's technology that can be improved ) , The Globalists and their capitalism work through fear through the creation of shortages in order to achieve monopoly and hence CONTROL over the minds and bodies of the masses , there is no shortage of food on planet earth what we need is better redistribution , Overpopulation is not the problem , the globalists and their shortage based capitalism are the problem .... 

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