US Ignite and Globalist Collaboration Develop Digital Controls to Govern the Internet

Occupy Corporatism
November 16, 2012
Under the radar, while Americans were distracted by mainstream propaganda, the Obama administration announced that the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), in conjunction with the National Science Foundation (NSF) would be scheming to bring governmental-controlled internet to America; an initiative called US Ignite.
US Ignite would govern digital infrastructure with the development of applications and software that would oversee health care, education and training, public safety and transportation.
In June of this year, President Obama signed the executive order entitled “Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment” which supposed to “facilitate broadband deployment on Federal lands, buildings, and rights of way, federally assisted highways, and tribal and individual Indian trust lands (tribal lands), particularly in underserved communities.” However, with the EO came the creation of US Ignite, which is a 6 year plan to create private-public partnerships (PPP) with the areas a “national security”; as defined:

• Workforce development
• Advanced manufacturing
• Health
• Transportation
• Public safety
• Clean energy
Focusing collaborative effort with private sector corporations and federal agencies, the goal is to “link universities and a growing number of communities with networks that are 10-100 times faster than today’s residential broadband Internet services.”
This project is funded by the NSF who will supply the academia and research necessary to improve on US Ignite through GENI and a $40 million investment. The beta-testing in certain cities right now are gathering information for the government-sponsored internet of the future.

The UN has been carefully positioning themselves to be able to implement a new technological hub from Africa by focusing on technology research. Under the promise of employment opportunities and improving educational institutions, the actual agenda is the diversification of strategies with foreign partners that will facilitate manufacturing industrialization and technological development through the corporate takeover of Africa.
Under careful control, the UN has planned to create an Africa that will become not only the food center of the world, but also the single processor of the world’s communications. The ICT Sector Unit, a department of the World Bank, has plans to turn Africa into a centralized internet epicenter where the flow of information and communications are under UN governance.
The ICT is a specialized department controlling “policy and regulatory matters, in eGovernment, information technology, innovation and the enabling environment. This Unit promotes access to information and communication technologies in developing countries.”
They will provide governments and private organizations with the directives and capital to infiltrate Africa through corporatism. The creation of infrastructure and egovernment projects will be handled solely through the ICT.
The funding will come from donors, international organizations and non-government organizations (NGOs). Telecommunications think-tanks with regional telecommunication associations will work with private sector “experts” and the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to construct a technological industry that will yield not only profit, but power.
The ITU is the UN’s information and communication technologies agency. They “allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strive to improve access to ICTs to under-served communities worldwide.” By whatever means necessary, their goal is to facilitate the flow of communication; which is completely under their dominion.
Under the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, the UN’s Millennium Development Goals will be met as their universal portal will become the centralized broadband internet provider to the world.
The ITU will be in conference at the end of this year, with major telecommunication and information corporations to devise a treaty that will regulate important aspects of the internet, as well as create jurisdiction over telecoms and ICT industries. This international treaty will effectively control all communication as we know it.
This includes:
• Internet
• Cell phones
• Emails
• Faxes
• Satellites
• Governmental intelligence networks
• All other digital communications
The treaty will give the UN unilateral governance over the internet, as well as telecommunication issues such as accounting rates and termination charges for next-generation networks, data privacy, cyber security, international mobile roaming, and equipment specifications.
The Obama administration created the International Strategy for Cyberspace (ISC) which makes an international governance policy priority. Obama’s desire to facilitate the US government’s push toward global engagement, the ISC encompasses a new vision for cyberspace. By using economic prosperity dependent on revamping cyberspace, Obama places the need for over-reaching cybersecurity over the internet.
By militarizing the control over the web, Obama claims the internet as a “strategic national asset” malleable by the US government. Obama contended that protecting the internet will be a national security priority and that: “We will ensure that these networks are secure, trustworthy and resilient.”
It is now being reported that Obama has signed a secret policy directive that gives the military complete control over the internet should the US come under a cyberattack. Being called Presidential Policy Directive 20, the alleged document (being classified) is a guideline that explains how specific federal agencies will be empowered by the Obama administration to intercept online “breaches of security” – including hacking and other digital attacks.
This document assures that the US government is taking the offensive and proactive approach to digital security where network defense is recognized as operations designed to ensure defense of national security. Whether it mean shutting down main servers or local computers that have been identified as targets, a complete shutdown of internet access (although it requires cybersecurity legislation) would not be out of the realm of possibility.
The military’s role in cybersecurity with regard to digital attacks will be to ensure US digital information, data, and privacy be protected. This new responsibility with be worked in conjunction with law enforcement network defenses that are being used to para-militarizing the web using cyber units
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