Saturday, October 3, 2015

Biological Dentistry Information -- Updating for Hawai'i focus

Biological Dentistry Information -- Updating for Hawai'i focus
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The Short Version:
The mouth and teeth are connected to the rest of the body. Dental health is directly connected to overall body health.
The field of Biological Dentistry holds great promise to help remove major obstacles to healthy living and recovery from illness.
Extensive clinical and laboratory study backs up the observations of many in the general public who claim their health was improved by treating dental problems -- and using detoxification procedures.
Biological dentistry can be a key part of integrative medical treatment programs. Note: Craniosacral therapy can be a powerful support for biological dental and detoxification programs.

Coaching Consultation with Dr. Wilson [click here]
Supporting your health choices
National Locator for Mercury-Free/Mercury Safe Dentists -- Click Here

The Longer Version:
See below: Science | Sleep Apnea/Dysoxygenosis | Leukemia/Autoimmune evidence | Tooth-Organ-Emotions Charts  | Detoxification Info | Special considerations | Testimony | Examples of Biological Dentists | Have you been labeled a "Hypochondriac"? | Mad Hatter Planet intro | 3D Skull Imaging | Air Cleaning Technology | Book: Diagnosis Unknown

In Hawai'i, I've talked with David Doi, DDS, and recommend that people contact his staff at: Hawaii Holistic Dentistry. Location: The Big Island, Hawai'i.
Click here for the Home page [opens in new window]

Also see his colleague, Dr. Hartwell's information about Sleep Apnea (mentioned below re Dr. Weiner in Washington DC).

In Washington DC, see biological dentist 
Mark McClure, DDS, FAGD, and the 
Biological Dental Team at NIHA,
National Integrated Health Associates 

Biological Dentistry Documents
in NIHA online Library [click here]

Nationally, contact
1. the IAOMT
[see below]
2. Huggins Applied Healing and Alliance Dentists [
site] Toll-free: (866) 948-4638
for different views of this crucial topic.
3. Recently I learned of this Texas office that includes methods I saw at NIHA in DC:
Pride Dental, Dr. Sprinkle and Dr. Attar in Arlington TX [click to visit site]

Dr.Huggins gave me the Dragon Slayer Award
As a board of directors member of the Well Mind Association in Seattle, I produced two Scientific Symposia on Mercury and health. [FYI: The WMA was supportive of Abram Hoffer, M.D., the champion of Orthomolecular mental health. Journal Site.

Dr. Huggins gave me the Dragon Slayer Award for my expert witness testimony, helping defeat WA State Dental censure of any dentist who removed "serviceable" dental Mercury amalgam fillings.

Dysoxygenosis work 
New focus: Dysoxygenosis and the work of Lowell Weiner, DDS, FAGD
[I call it the Apnea Spectrum]

New focus for Functional Medicine practitioners:
Dr. Weiner addressed the Academy of Functional Medicine, Dentistry and Psychology [introduction]. about the impacts on physical and mental health that result from dysfunctional breathing from causes that he describes.

Specialty and Practice Philosophy:
Biological Dentistry. Helping the body to help itself using the least invasive technology following medical and biological dental concepts.
Areas of Focus:
Sleep Apnea, Snoring, diagnosis and treatment of toxic teeth and their relationship to cavitations and chronic sinus problems. Non-surgical treatment of TMJ, and functional dental medicine. [more]

Dr. Brockman's Dental Mercury Testimony to FDA -- Video, December 2010

Mercury Exposure: A Guide to Dental Amalgam [site] [YouTube Channel]

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"Root Canal Fillings found in 97% of Terminal Cancer Patients": Report of German medical doctor.

Diagnosis Unknown
free e-book [click to download]

 I spent a delightful weekend at the country home of a couple who went through devastating illness over many years.

Their search for answers brought them through standard western medicine and then into the new landscape of alternative and complementary medicine.

The answers -- A major part of their success came from dealing with dental traumas, and with using the EAV/Computron technology of Doug Leber.
Martin Pytela, Founder of

His story is one of triumph after discovering the dental disaster that had dramatically hurt his life. 

He is now helping others to reclaim vibrant health.

Videos on YouTube
Smoking Teeth = Poison gas is from the IAOMT.
Safer Amalgam Removal is from Dr. David Kennedy.
Parts 1 and 2 were an expose' made in
New Zealand;a superb documentary in which the interviewer asks Dr. Hal Huggins, "Do you believe it is as big as the Tobacco issue?"
Reply--"No, no no.  It's much bigger."

How Mercury Causes Brain Degeneration
The evidence is mounting.

Mercury, Leukemia and Chronic Autoimmune Illness
The evidence is mounting.

[Note: Medical doctors overlooked the Mercury fillings and only looked at the gums of this patient. Why? Dentists told them that Mercury fillings do not affect health. However, Mercury+Normal tissue leads to the body attacking its own tissues as being abnormal because it does not recognize the Mercury-containing tissue as Self.]

Interactive Meridian Tooth Chart: A powerful learning experience

View Chart online by clicking on this image below: [To order for your own office, click here.]

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The following information is not intended to diagnose or guide treatment. The links are ones that carry useful information in understanding the scope of biological dentistry and the toxic effects of dental materials. The content of these links cannot be guaranteed to be up to date. Check with your own practitioner.
Scientific Resources for Biological Dentistry
IAOMT: Education & Organization in the Age of Mercury Free Dentistry
Toxic Element Research Foundation's
 "TERF has been collecting Data for over 30 years regarding the effects of dental materials on human health, particularly mercury contained within amalgam fillings. It is now time to release the scientific tests that disclose the dangers posed by other more deadly dental procedures to the general public."
Founded by dentists very interested in the energetic relationship of the teeth to the rest of the body.
HDA: Complementary/Alternative Dentistry
Body - Mind - Spirit
A Reference Site for Oral Pathology Topics, People, Places & Links. Cavitational Osteonecrosis is a major focus.
Providing you with the most current and accurate information available on the potential health effects of ''silver'' dental fillings that contain up to 50% mercury, a very toxic substance!
Campaigner against Mercury and for health recovery after removal of Mercury fillings.
Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions: "...a patient support group providing information to mercury toxic individuals on testing, treatment options, list of specially trained dentists and doctors, etc. We have provided information to many thousands of poisoned people, most of whose health improves significantly with proper treatment after reducing mercury exposure. We have documentation on thousands of such patients.
The information on this Florida Dams Chapter web page contains over 3000 peer-reviewed medical study references documenting high exposures from amalgam and mechanisms of causality for 30 chronic conditions. It has been summarized into 23 DAMS Fact Sheets for documenting the high exposures and adverse effects due to mercury from amalgam (and other mercury sources). They are available to anyone for use in educating the public, Media, Legislators, Officials, Dental Staff, etc. They can be downloaded or copied from the web site.
Scientific Advisor, Boyd Haley, Ph.D. His work is "born out of the Advanced Science and Technology Commercialization Center at U. of protein biochemistry, heavy metal neurotoxicology & neurodegenerative diseases..."
Includes comments by Dr. Boyd Haley: "IMVA seeks to initiate a climate of change in basic health care, working to merge truths from diverse medical systems."
Article by Mats Hanson, Ph.D., associate professor of zoophysiology, Sweden.
Past chairman, Swedish Association of Dental Mercury Patients; member of scientific advisory board of the IAOMT-Sweden.
Website of IAOMT member
Includes extensive information for patients and professionals.
Article by Per Dalén, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of psychiatry, Sweden.
Article by Dr. Mercola [main site]
Note: All Medical Research May Be Invalidated Because of Mercury
Due to false dental industry reassurances to medical professionals that Mercury does not leak out of fillings, virtually no medical research has ever controlled for the role of mercury in the health responses of subjects used in research or for tabulating their responses to medications and treatments.

Interview with Dr. Hal Huggins. Click on the image below.

A dedicated Mercury-Free Dentistry advocate resource: Consumers for Dental Choice
Announced on page: Is the FDA Planning to Ban Amalgam Fillings? [link]

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New: Norway Bans Mercury dental fillings January 2008 >> Norway official announcement

Dental Dangers warning to China -- 1993
 I took time from my studies of acupuncture to talk with a neurologist and tell her of the dangers of dental mercury. I brought 3 packets of Huggins videos and literature, and gave them to doctors in China.
Quotes about Biological Dentistry
"If I needed to remove either the Medical or Dental component of my Clinic, I would keep the Dental because chronic problems will not resolve without Biological Dental care..."  
Dr. Thomas Rau, Director of Paracelsus Clinic, Switzerland
"There are so many health issues that are caused or perpetuated by problems in the mouth that the Dental division of a comprehensive center is indispensable...." Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D.
"The Cause of Autism -- and its Cure -- has been found."
[Please know that they may not have the full picture, our experience is that dealing with Mercury is not always easy.]


Osseous Imaging: 
Dental Air Mercury Capture Technology. 
Note: October 2012 -- I've followed this development for over 20 years. They have continued to expand the applications of the technology. Check their website for the latest.
Air Defense, LLC [link]

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Homotoxicology: Human toxics management [more]

Dental relations to acumeridian energy flow:
2. Charts of Tooth/Acumeridian Relations, Including  Organ/Emotions

EAV/EDS: Electro-Acupuncture Measurement and more...
Pioneered by Rinehold Voll, M.D.
For those who know: This entire page makes sense.
For newcomers: Welcome to a technology that every clinic should offer; a huge number of clinics around the world use this. (Graphics from Doug Leber's Computron/Acupro)

Patient Support Sites
Tooth Soap: A new dental experience. Fascinating!

This group also advocates for Mercury-free dentistry. 

by Herbalist Ingrid Naiman. 
Written after attending Biological Dental Conference.

The Tone of this Page:
Those viewers who have already talked with me will realize this material is presented in subdued fashion compared to my usual attitude about this important area of health care. If you visit all the web sites below, you will witness a panorama of dangers presented by different dental procedures and materials, and case stories of people whose lives -- their minds and personalities as well as their bodies -- have been damaged by dental factors [mainly mercury fillings/ extraction socket degeneration/root canal fillings]. There are also cases of people who have significantly reclaimed health after appropriately addressing these issues. 
In my opinion, dentistry represents the single most toxic source of health dangers that exists in society today
Have you been labeled a "Hypochondriac"?
New Species of Human:  Homo toxicanus  [humorous illustration]

Mad Hatter Planet introduction
[Click here for expanded description of mental/physical dangers] 

Fluoride is also a dangerous toxin: [new book uncovering industrial subterfuge]
Many dentists have warned of the deadly effects of mercury since the 1800's.
A recent testimonial of a dentist whose career was destroyed by mercury.
Now that the news is spreading: People being saved by mercury-free dentists.
They can't find anything wrong with you?: Have you been labeled a Hypochondriac?
Dr. Buttar testifies on Autism and Mercury: Autism, The Misdiagnosis of Our Future Generations.
Ingrid Naiman []: Mercury Toxicity [PDF]-- an illustrated warning.
Services I Provide to Support Biological Dentists:
-- The entire range of naturopathic care can be considered. [See Services.]
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Special Treatment Consideration
In the midst of the process of removing mercury and other dental stressors, and detoxification from metals and other stressors, patients need to enhance their neurological recovery. One of the most dramatic approaches to assessment and treatment of nervous system effects of various stressors is the Developmental Movement Therapy practiced at the [former] Developmental Therapy and Education Institute in Seattle, now carried on by their associates such as Sarge Goodchild at This incorporates insights from the Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential, which has a focus on youth who have had head injuries and other insults to the brain, but are applicable to any individual who has nervous system damage, their chart on the Developmental Profile [3 parts: index / sensory chart / motor chart]is used in the Developmental Movement Therapy assessment.
Remember: We do  not know everything about the brain--This article shows new structure in the brain's organization, "Microcolumns" are important clue to more intricate development of our neural structure (beyond the Alzheimer's-related funding source, this is crucial information about how complex we are).
Interesting note: Some patients report having tooth discomfort during homeopathic treatment. This has been explained as the effects of increased flow of energy through the acupuncture meridians supplying the teeth. Because of this, do not make decisions to treat a discomfort (such as extracting a painful tooth) before carefully analyzing whether it is part of the Healing Process.  
Example of a Mercury-Stressed Dentist: Pygoya
"Insanity", or Major Shift in Brain Function Options?

This is an individual with whom I have communicated, and he did not realize how his mental function had been affected by mercury over his career as a mercury-using dentist. He became wildly creative and imaginative in ways that I think are evidence of how mercury affects mental function. You can judge for yourself. He decorated his dental office waiting room with a disco ball with reflective mirrors and flashing lights; now he has several Internet pages about his fantastic visions of colors and shapes. His stage name is "Pygoya." You can examine this for yourself by using a search engine >>
Example Biological Dentists:
Locator for Mercury-Free/Mercury Safe Dentists

Douglas J. Phillips, DDS [a judge ruled for him, but local dental Board overruled; he is now an educator and advisor]
Gerald Smith, DDS [His book Reversing Cancer integrates work of Klinghardt, Omura, etc.]
Farid Shodjaee, DDS [He wrote a chapter in Open Minds: A New Perspective on Healing]; here is a newsletter showing that he includes Heilkunst model Homeopathy -- view >>

Dental Detoxification Downloads [sample approaches from Dr. McClure's earlier writings, some information may not be current; check with your practitioner before taking action.]
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Detoxification Videos -- Dr. Buttar [link]

Some Reference Sites Representing a Spectrum of Less Scientific Sites:
Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D.: American Academy of Neural Therapy -- Teaching on dental detoxification and ways to reclaim health after being affected by dental stresses.
Uninformed Consent website: Investigative reports, videos, radio talkshow downloads, other resources. I was particularly moved by the video clip showing the use of dental metal contaminated sewage sludge and how it is being spread on farmlands. "UnInformed Consent has dynamic educational presentations available - speaking engagements that include interactive audience participation,  Q & A,   video,  think tanks,  fund-raising for your organization.  For more information call UnInformed Consent at: (425) 487-2358."
Dr. Hal Huggins: Practice and Teaching []
Susan Stockton: A patient whose life was changed by addressing dental/cranial factors.
Lisa Marie Presley on discovering "...Mercury can make you go f***ing crazy...They try to say mercury is safe, but it's the second-deadliest poison known to man, underneath plutonium, and it's in people's f***ing teeth." 
Mercury removal changed her life.

Marie's Story: An extensive web site.
Alice in Mercury-Land: News from Children's Environmental Health Network, a non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting the fetus and child from environmental health hazards.

Of Interest:  Mercury awareness on TV Jeopardy show []
On March 31, 2004, the popular television game show, Jeopardy, had as one of its categories: "Elements" The format of the game show presents the contestants with the answer to a question and the contestant has to compete with two other contestants to be the first to give the question. The answer on the game board was: "Dentists use silver fillings which are actually 50% this." The quickest contestant correctly responded: "What is mercury?"
With all the recent media attention to the Bush administration's roll back of mercury emission levels for industry, the EPA report that 630,000 babies a year are adversely affected by mercury in utero and the ever-increasing toxic levels of mercury in many fish, the public is becoming very aware of how toxic mercury is. There were probably a lot of Jeopardy viewers who did a double take when they heard that the correct answer to Jeopardy question.
All mercury-free activists should take courage at these events and do every thing they can to make them a daily event.
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