Christopher Busby libeled by military-industrial lobby and Roger W Helbig
Nuclear scientist Prof. Dr. Chris Busby is under relentless attack by disinformation agents hired by the military industrial complex’ nuclear lobby and perhaps even the mobile phone industry.Large multinational corporations increasingly employ “online reputation management” companies to bury information that they deem a threat to their bottom line. A wide selection of Internet mercenaries are for hire, from folks on freelancer sites who will spam forums and blogs, to PR agencies that will customize a multi-year, seven-figure online media campaign to “fix” anything a paying customer wants to be “fixed” – a “gray-hat” service which often includes paying websites to publish highly biased articles, vandalizing Wikipedia entries and anonymously making defamatory claims. Dr. Busby managed to expose nuclear industry propagandist Richard Wakeford as the owner of the anonymous “” attack website and subsequently gained ownership of the domain. How these industry pundits operate is covered in Busby’s Scientific dishonesty and nuclear power (highly recommended PowerPoint presentation for the talk here.) More about Richard Wakeford and other lobbyists for the nuclear industry such as Barclay Jones and Matthias Lanze can be read here.

Dr. Christopher Busby in Iraq (with permission)
The world’s largest corporations can be found in the military industrial complex, such as those who produce “depleted” Uranium shells such as Alliant and General Dynamics. Closely tied to the military are the industry giants that build nuclear reactors, such as General Electric and Hitachi. And then there are those that depend on cellphone technology such as Apple and Samsung. These companies are publicly trading, obliging their CEO to maximise shareholder profit. Facing a reputational threat, not engaging in vigorous reputation management ultimately means the end of the CEO’s career. Hence the defamation campaign against Christopher Busby:

Who is Christopher Busby?
If you believe what comes up when searching for his name, you would think he is a wild-eyed conspiracy loon, unworthy of mention, shunned as a pseudoscientist by the entire scientific world, part of the “lunatic fringe” with paranoid ideas for which the term “controversial” would be too much honor. But as we mentioned before, this carefully-crafted negative portrayal of Dr. Busby has been bought and paid for. The reason is that Prof. Dr. Busby is the biggest thorn in the eye and the strongest nail in the coffin of those industries largely responsible for the cancer epidemic that started after WW2 and is ever-increasing today. Multi-talented, he plays more than a dozen instruments, he sings, writes poetry, is an avid sailor and has dabbled in drawing, such as in this sarcastic strip on how the nuclear industry will blame the increased cancer rates on anything but radiation leaks (in this case the exposure to cosmic gamma rays at altitude):
Chris Busby is not only a well-traveled, handsome, intelligent, humorous, talented, happily married man with children and grandchildren, but he also packs a professional punch: He is the author of two groundbreaking theories that would explain two mysteries that hitherto have eluded his peers:
1. How the non-ionizing EM radiation from mobile phones can trigger brain tumors, explained below:
Dr. Busby’s theory would explain exactly why and how people who use cell phones have a much greater risk of developing brain tumors (on the side they hold the phone). This fact has been independently confirmed in many studies. This study found a 200% increase in brain cancer. This study found a 300% increase in brain tumors. This study concludes that the real number may be even 400%.
2. How widespread nuclear pollution largely considered insignificant disrupts our DNA repair mechanism with a “double whammy”, causing a very significant rise in cancer. This theory is known as the “Second event Theory“.
After carefully examining his scientific arguments (more about those later), we think Dr. Busby is a genius. Dr. Busby is very demure about his postulations, but they are backed up by statistical data and the undisputed principles of cellular biology and the laws of quantum mechanics. His former theory is extremely likely to be correct and in our opinion truly the work of a genius, and his latter theory is a bit more complex but totally novel, sounds very plausible and has not been disproven. If you doubt his qualifications, here is a link to Chris Busby’s CV (mirrored version of Feb 8, 2013, please refer to his own site(s) for an up-to-date version. The past decades, Busby has relentlessly travelled the world, taking radiation samples whenever there were nuclear incidents, examining those samples in the most modern equipment, meeting fellow concerned scientists and published a wealth of investigative reports on his findings in the scientific literature.
Busby is the #1 target to be neutralized through defamation and marginalization because he not only is the most vocal promulgator of credible theories on how we’re being given cancer by the military-industrial complex (don’t forget that the only reason nuclear plants use particularly unsafe Uranium and Plutonium reactors is that those materials can be used in nuclear bombs) but he actively starts grassroots movements to warn consumers, uncovers evidence “on the ground” to substantiate his concerns, amend legislation and protest the use of cancer-causing technologies such as currently unsafe nuclear plants (Busby on cancer clusters near nuclear power plants) and “depleted” uranium in shells, which is often polluted with reactor waste and hence not depleted at all. The radioactive dust from these shells has been found as far as London, and Busby thinks that perhaps we should stop spraying Uranium dust over European schoolkids’ lunches, because that’s what in essence ultimately happens when a DU shell vaporises inside an Iraqi or Afghani tank, as Professor Busby uncovered by using the UK’s own nuclear establishment’s air sampling data in his shocking exposé: Depleted Uranium dust from Iraq/Afghanistan detected in Europe.

Busby has been testing the dust in Japanese car air filters for radioactivity, and what he found was very worrying:
What is Dr. Christopher Busby accused of?
Busby is accused by anonymous detractors on various wikis and blogs that he is selling useless anti-radiation pills in Japan for extortionate prices. Forbes and the Guardian have given long-standing nuclear industry pundits a platform to make these thinly veiled allegations against Busby, taking care not to make legally actionably claims of malfeasance, because they would immediately be sued for libel and they would lose, since the entire story is fictional – made up from start to finish. No such pills were ever sold, neither in Japan nor anywhere else. Someone in Japan got the idea to sell supplements that would bind certain radioactive isotopes so that they would not be able to damage DNA, and he asked Busby whether it was OK to use his name for marketing purposes. Busby said something like: “OK, as long as you donate the majority of your profits to a fund for Japanese children harmed by the Fukushima catastrophe”. However, no pills were ever sold, because the Japanese authorities shut down the operation before it ever came off the ground. Heavy-handed tactics were employed, as murder threats were made against the businessman who hoped to sell those pills. In Busby’s own words:The fact that his attackers know very well that these allegations are untrue but chose to spread them anyway in an attempt of character assassination, shows that they do not have valid arguments to counter the evidence his extensive research uncovered and instead they opted for an attack below the belt. There are more allegations against Busby, all untrue or totally irrelevant to his claims and theories. His detractors say that he publishes most of his work through his own publishing company. A scientist that has made the world’s military-industrial complex his mortal enemy has no other choice! If you doubts this, I have a bridge to sell you, somewhere in the Iraqi desert. The allegations get more and more pathetic. “He’s not a professor!”, they said, while he was a visiting professor at the University of Ulster. “He was denied a patent!” (so what?), ” ‘Green Audit’ and the ‘Low Level Radiation Campaign’ are in fact Busby’s companies!” (wow, that’s highly commendable, Dr. Busby is one of those rare, true warriors for global health and peace and progress and should be commended for his hard, selfless work).
Dr. Siegwart-Horst Gunther supports Chris Busby
Chris Busby is also accused of being a “conspiracy theorist” for saying that there is a “secret weapon, used in Fallujah, that causes pollution with enriched Uranium”. He is referring to the secrecy surrounding the fact that several times, nuclear reactor waste with Plutonium and enriched Uranium has found its way into “depleted” Unranium shells, proven by professor Siegwart-Horst Gunther, who retrieved some of those highly radioactive munitions from the Fallujah battle field and was imprisoned for trying to get them through German customs. In 1995 he spent five weeks in a Kiel penitentiary for refusing to pay a fine of 3000 Marks for the “traffic of radioactive materials”. So a German professor as well as a German court thus confirmed Dr. Busby’s claim that weapons containing enriched Uranium were used in Iraq. And of course this has been kept under wraps, since it would constitute a monstrous war crime or at the very least criminal negligence of the utmost severity. More about this here, and below is a documentary about professor Siegwart-Horst Gunther’s research into DU shells and the cancer they cause:Dr. Siegwart-Horst Gunther was punched in the face by the prison doctor when he refused to fully undress. He went on a hunger strike to protest the horrific conditions he as at 77 years old was being subjected to. His teeth started to fall out, presumably due to radiation sickness, assumedly caused by the enriched Uranium and Plutonium he had been exposed to, collecting expended munitions in Iraq. Episode 5/6 of the above documentary mentions that enriched Uranium (U236) was found, as well as Plutonium. This is not a “conspiracy theory”, this is an undisputed fact, published in prestigious peer-reviewed medical literature such as this article from the Archive of Oncology. The result: 10x more cancer in the area (esp. Leukemia and Lymphoma) and 20x more congential deformities. This is a letter he managed to get smuggled out of prison, written on toilet paper. This man born in 1925, the recipient of numerous prestigious international medical awards, a scientist who worked with Albert Schweizer and who exposed the secret of American radiological war crimes in Fallujah is now ill, destitute and forgotten.
Dr. Doug Rokke strongly supports Chris Busby

Doug Rokke on the threat of “Depleted Uranium”:
Doug Rokke got a B.S. in Physics at Western Illinois University and a M.S. and Ph.D. in physics and technology education at the University of Illinois. Dr. Rokke served with the 3rd US Army Depleted Uranium Assessment team during Gulf War 1 (“Operation Desert Storm”). He was the US Army’s Depleted Uranium Project director from 1994 – 1995. He developed the US Army’s “common task for DU incidents”. Dr. Rokke has taught biological, nuclear and chemical warfare, hazardous materials and emergency medicine for over 20 years to both military and civillian personnel. Dr. Rokke has served as an advisor with the US Centers of Disease Control, Department of Defense, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, US Senate, House of Representatives, Department of Defense, General Accounting Office, Department of Veterans Affairs, British Royal Society, British House of Lords and House of Commons and the United Nations. Dr. Rokke has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in environmental science, environmental engineering, nuclear physics, and emergency management and was a staff physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for 19 years. major Doug Rokke is included in “Who’s Who in America” and is included in “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering”.
Rokke’s credibility has been attacked by accusing him of promulgating the “conspiracy theory” that he claims that the only reason DU exists is for the nuclear power industry can get rid of their waste. This is a lie, as can be read in this interview, where he mentions the weapons-superiority of DU on page 4: “You have to understand, this is an incredible weapon. It kills and destroys everything. I mean, it’s absolutely incredible. [...] It’s the best we’ve got.”
US Army demanding takedown of Busby-articles?
Less than 24 hours after publishing the first draft of this article, I received the following email:
The reason that I pixelated part of the email is to avoid a DMCA takedown request, since emails are copyrighted by their author. Parts of Helbig’s email are reproduced in Fair Use and a counter-DMCA notice will be filed as a reponse to any DMCA claim, and a lawsuit will be filed against Helbig for making a fraudulent claim in that case.
Up to the point Roger Helbig emailed me, I had heard of him, and he was not originally mentioned in this article. Note how Mr. Helbig has a Google Alert on anything new articles appearing on the Internet, containing the words “Chris Busby”. Mr. Helbig then proceeds to immediately issue a demand for retraction of the article. Ironically, Roger Helbig thereby validates my claim in the first sentence of this article: That the US military employs people to attack Dr. Busby, his work and his supporters. The reason for having someone doing full-time Busby-related damage control is perhaps to avoid a class action lawsuit against the Pentagon by the victims of the pollution that ensued as “collateral damage” as a consequence of the US army spreading depleted and enriched Uranium dust as well as Plutonium dust on battlefields in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Dr. Busby discovered that some of this dust was detected in British air, and he got the word out, causing serious headaches in the Pentagon. I entered into an email exchange with Mr. Helbig, and here is a selection of the threats he made:
“Perhaps I should find out if I can obtain a judgment against you in Swiss court and perhaps put you out of business.”
“Are you willing to face me in Northern California Court of law? I am a personal friend of Chief Chris Magnus.”
I think it is clear that when faced with such severe threats, the great majority of online journalists such as myself will chose to retract their article, as Roger Helbig demanded in his first email. One can only guess at the treatment the mainstream media receives from the likes of Mr. Helbig, but judging the coverage they’ve given the subject of Depleted Uranium in the Gulf War and other wars, we can safely assume that they are “in bed with the Pentagon” or simply are too busy covering the Kardashians to get educated on the nitty-gritty of internal radiation emitters.
Roger Helbig: “Retired” US Airforce Lt. Col.
US Airforce Lt. Col. Roger Helbig has a full-time job monitoring the Internet for articles on Dr. Christopher Busby and Dr. Doug Rokke and others, and immediately demanding a full retraction of the article, backed up by very severe threats of lawsuits and the destruction of the livelihood of the author. This is an article on how Helbig monitors articles mentioning Doug Rokke and how Helbig literally spent years harassing hundreds of authors. Roger Helbig is thought by many to be just a crank, a mentally unbalanced person. But this article shows he has Google Alerts on “Depleted Uranium” as well, and he threatens people within 24 hours to take down whatever they wrote. One petition-signer against the use of DU munitions was called on the phone within 15 minutes of signing the petition, as this chilling story (from the link) relates: “Roger Helbig was able to find my work phone number within 15 minutes of my signing a petition to the UN agains DU weapons. He apparently has some connections with military intelligence if he is able to do that, that quickly. He asked for me by name, then called me a liar, and with a voice filled with venom and veiled threats, told me he had no trouble finding out anything he wanted to about me.”Roger Helbig has a habit of making threats in order to get articles on Depleted Uranium retracted:

So there are US-army affiliated people working full-time, over the past decade, doing nothing but getting critical articles on internal radiation emitters retracted. These same people undoubdedly are responsible for most of the online attacks on the reputation of the principal scientists involved in critical research on the effects of internal emitters – a major source being DU shells mainly used by the US military, other sources being nuclear disasters like those of Chernobyl and Fukushima. Dr. Busby is an expert on internal emitters and there are people working 24/7, silencing him and his supporters. I say 24/7, because I received an email from Roger Helbig in the night between Saturday and Sunday, around 04:00 his local time. Is Mr. Helbig merely pathologically obsessed with his full-time crusade against whistleblowing nuclear scientists and the journalists that mention their work, or is there a more sinister side to the constant threats from Roger Helbig, hours after an article comes online? Helbig has once been to court for harrassing his Syrian neighbor. Helbig had plastered the windows of the side of his house that faced his neighbor with the Israeli flag. I think it’s safe to say that Roger Helbig is a crank. However, being a crank does not necessarily mean that one can’t work for the Pentagon, as Leuren Moret alleges:

According to the US military, Dr. Michael Kilpatrick works for them as “Director of Strategic communications”, euphemism for “Propaganda coordinator”.

And who is Leuren Moret? She used to work at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and is now educating the public about the dangers of internal emitters of radioactive radiation. She was one of the first to warn about the seriousness of the Fukushima disaster and she is against nuclear testing. Wikipedia calls her a “Conspiracy theorist” and “lobbyist”. The circle is round..
Disinformation attacks on Dr. Christopher Busby
Busby’s Wikipedia entry to this day is a disgraceful attack-piece and yet another example of how a website where anyone can write anything is not worthy of the title “Encyclopedia”. Proof that we are not exaggerating is in the screen capture at the beginning of this article, where Google displays on the right side in their search results for “Christopher Busby” Wikipedia’s first paragraph for him: “Christopher Busby is a British tool known for his half-arsed theories [...]“. The Wikipedia entry doesn’t even get his birthday right, claiming it to be January 5, 1945 whereas Busby was born on September 1. Those paid to smear his reputation obviously do not care about such puny details. All that counts to them is to have the mainstream media, Google/YouTube and Wikipedia ridiculing and smearing him. Their strategy is working: The naive UK Greens thought “Where there is smoke there must be fire” and have abandoned his cause.Even more disgraceful attacks on Dr. Busby can be found on sites where anyone can anonymously write whatever they want (but correction of the tripe written will be considered “vandalism”!) RationalWiki is one of those sites. RationalWiki is a project of Trent Toulouse, who has the stated objective of “exposing conspiracy theories”. He once implied that he considers a conspiracy theory everything that disagrees with mainstream dogma, making RationalWiki a platform for anyone with an agenda to attack researchers struggling to bring important facts to public attention.
An example of what Busby is trying to prevent:

The truth about Christopher Busby
Due to the work of his detractors, searching for “Chris Busby” will yield mostly websites that spread lies about him. If you want to know more about Dr. Busby and his work, visit:
I have not libeled anyone - I have stated the facts as my research has found them. Christopher Charles Busby, PhD is not a nuclear scientist - the coward who posted this page never told me about it and never asked if they got the story right. I demand to know more about who posted this and will so file inquiry with Google.
Dr. Chris Busby (depicted in video above) posts videos on YouTube which endorse the claims of Deborah Tavares.
But, there are things about Deborah Tavares that he should know. Most of what she claims is simply not true. See proof below.
I thought that he should know.
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