So you got the shingles vaccine and still got the shingles?Sound ridiculous?
SHAME on you!
It’s your fault!
You’re clinically depressed and you haven’t been taking your antidepressant meds, have you?
THAT’s why the vaccine was ineffective.
Now go home, fill that prescription and don’t you ever THINK about not taking your meds again!
Apparently not as this is the conclusion of a major, double blind, placebo controlled study published online this week in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.
In this study, 40 elderly subjects with major clinical depression were compared to 52 age and sex matched controls with no history of depression or other mental illness. Cell-mediated immunity to the herpes zoster (shingles) vaccine (VZV-CMI) was measured prior to vaccination with the shingles vaccine or a placebo at then again at 6 weeks, 1 year, and 2 years postvaccination.
Researchers found that depressed patients who were not being treated with antidepressants (SSRIs) had lower cell-mediated immunity to the shingles virus. Consequently, these people has reduced response to the shingles vaccine when compared with patients with no history of depression or those who were depressed but were receiving treatment with antidepressants.
Amazing how a major, double blind, placebo controlled study could come up with such a ridiculous conclusion given that antidepressants don’t even work in the majority of cases!
According to Nora Gedgaudas, acclaimed researcher and author of Primal Body Primal Mind, antidepressant drugs only have about a 13% effectiveness rate, just slightly better than a placebo.
Moreover, for the small minority of people for whom antidepressants actually help, 30-40% of them will not find antidepressant drugs effective over the long term.
So what was the purpose of this “study” which is basically an attempt by the pharmaceutical industry to justify the pitiful poor effectiveness rate of the shingles vaccine as well as promote their equally ineffective SSRI drugs?
Clearly, the goal is to keep elderly people in the dark and encourage them using “the science” to continue lining up at their local pharmacy with sleeves rolled up to get the useless shingles vaccine. And, hey, why not scare them into thinking that they need be on antidepressants too for the shot to be effective (psst .. even though those pills don’t really work either).
As long as the public keeps buying this c&#p, bought and paid for scientists are going to stay knee deep in it, dishing it up for those of us who actually have a brain to laugh about.
Perhaps a nice, long cruise vacation on the sewage ridden Ship of Shame would help those who take studies like this seriously to realize exactly what they are being spoon fed about vaccinations in the name of respectable “science”.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Source: Varicella Zoster Virus – Specific Immune Responses to a Herpes Zoster Vaccine in Elderly Recipients with Major Depression and the Impact of Antidepressant Medications
Study Suggests Link Between Untreated Depression and Response to Shingles Vaccine
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