Medical proof vitamin D kills cancer cells

The new approach uses the active form of vitamin D3, calcitriol, which is delivered by quantum dots to IBC tumors. Quantum dots are engineered, miniscule delivery vehicles which can maneuver directly to a tumor site.
New technology uses nature to destroy cancer cells
Our skin can actually manufacture enough levels of calcitriol (vitamin D) in as little as 15 minutes of sunlight per 24 hours.
What will hinder this process is sunscreen and how dark we are, the darker the pigmentation of the skin the more sunlight that is needed. Obesity, also curtails the circulation of vitamin D and age reduces the ability to manufacture vitamin D.
Vitamin D is found in foods, but the human body synthesizes most of this nutrient from sunlight. Since we now get so little in the way of unhindered sunlight, the new approch is to use Quantum dots and engineered light-emitting nanoscale delivery. The study shows that dots can be used to rapidly move high concentrations of calcitriol to targeted tumor sites where cancer cells are located.
They can go through the lymphatic system where the cancer finds its path to spread. So now calcitriol can fight cancer on different fronts. As more studies keep pilling up to support the notion that low vitamin D levels promote breast cancer – pharmaceutical companies are developing altered vitamin D molecules.
Low vitamin D levels could be a death sentence
Breast cancer patients with low levels of vitamin D have more aggressive tumors and poorer outcomes, a new study finds. Experts say the new findings support what many oncologists have long suspected.
“There has been suspicion that vitamin D is related to breast health in some way, although the particular pathway is still unknown,” noted Dr. Laurie Kirstein, a breast surgeon at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.
“Many oncologists are already following vitamin D levels in their breast cancer patients, and recommending supplements for low levels,” added Kirstein, who was not involved in the new study.
Researchers Jeremy Bonor, Rachel Schaefer, and Ania Nohe wanted to see if they could deliver high concentrations of vitamin D to tumors in mice using quantum dots. By the way, women with a low level of vitamin D at the time of diagnosis are 94 percent more likely to have their cancer spread and 73 percent less likely to reach the 10 year survival mark.
Nanotechnology works at the molecular level, and quantum dots are tiny light-emitting crystals that can be engineered to seek out a particular disease or type of cell. The quantum dots were used as an experiment with mice. So the advice of the medical experts is don’t run to the doctor for this yet, as it may take years to make this available to the public.
But, sunlight is available now to boost immunity; protect us from colds; the flu and now even cancer. So, let’s be honest, it can’t hurt to add (if needed) a high quality, vitamin D supplement to our daily routine. Help us spread the word – share this article with family and friends.
About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She has the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in natural healing including Naturopaths, scientist and energy healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of dis-ease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.
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